We all know Taylor Hawkins as the drummer for the Foo Fighters. He’s been working for some time on a solo album that has finally seen the light of day under the name “Red Light Fever”.
The songs on here sound exactly like what you’d expect to hear from someone who’s friends with Dave Grohl, Brian May and Roger Taylor... all of which contributed to this album by the way. Opener “Not Bad Luck” wears its Queen influences on its sleeves while “Your Shoes” sounds like a Foo Fighters leftover he scraped off of the floor in the recording studio.
Hawkins himself has been heard to say ‘Fuck it." I don't care if the record ends up sounding like me having sex with my record collection’ which pretty much sums it all up. Unfortunately he never even comes close to his influences make « Red Light Fever » a very unnecessary album that – let’s face it – probably wouldn’t even have seen the light of day if the songs weren’t written by the drummer for the Foo Fighters.
Score: 5.5 out of 10