Killing The Dream is one excellent hardcore band who just unleashed "Fractures" on Deathwish. If you haven't already checked them out, you are seriously missing out on one mean motherfucker of an album so read this interview and then go pick up/download your copy of the album!
PRT: Who are you and what would you like to tell our readers about yourself?
Elijah: we are killing the dream. we like stuff like food, kitties, the sacramento kings...you know, guy stuff. also, the first frost of each winter. my name is elijah and i also like hot cocoa and moonlit gondola rides.
PRT: Who else is in the band and how would you go about killing their dream?
Elijah: easy. first, there's christopher 'chaze' (pronounced 'sha-ZAY') powers, aka dr. gugenheim aka dr. googz aka da google. i'd kill his dream by destroying every potato farm in the world. also, no more beer. patches o'houlihan shreds the axe- i'd kill his dreams by making him get tested for various venereal diseases. also, i'd see to it that jars of clay and dc talk could no longer make music...those are his favorite bands ever. for dj, our other axe wielder, i would send him back to roma's pizzeria #3 in folsom california and tell him he couldn't eat anything, and for isaac, i'd make him tour with us.
PRT: For the people out there who haven't heard you guys yet… if Killing The Dream was the lovechild of two other bands, which bands would've had sex and which position were you conceived in?
Elijah: i can't tell you how much time i've spent thinking about this. KTD is definitely the spawn of tesla and the hoods during a tantric union of the monkey love session. al green was probably playing in the background.
PRT: Can you give me the history of the band written in one minute or less starting… NOW!
Elijah: we all met in the scrapbooking club at our high school. we figured that there weren't a whole lot of bands out there that devoted songs to honoring memories properly, so we started killing the dream. over the years we've kind of moved on from the scrapbooking, but i think it will always be a part of our lives somehow.
PRT: You guys had to find two new guitarists between the release of your Deathwish debut and the new album. How hard was it to find a good fit and did that affect the writing process?
Elijah: it was certainly a tough task to find new guitarists...joel and bart were good friends and great musicians. we have known dj forever and he was able to just slide right in without too much trouble. luckily, in place apart had just come out and we had plenty of time to figure out all the writing stuff.
PRT: I thought the new album sounded a lot nastier than its predecessor and at the same time I noticed that there are way less singalongs and breakdowns. Was that a conscious decision?
Elijah: not really. i think it's just how it shook out. we didn't have any real goals in mind writing this record...if it sounded good, then we used it. as for singalongs, i always just sort of feel those out when i'm arranging lyrics- if there is a part on a song that lends itself well to gang vocals, and it fits the lyrics, then i'm more than happy to use them. on this record there just weren't a whole lot of spots where that was the case.
PRT: You worked with J Robbins on "Fractures"… what was that like and how was it different from working with Kurt Ballou?
Elijah: j. robbins is like the coolest dude in the world. maybe bill cosby. but after him, definitely j. robbins. it was a great experience to be able to work with him, and we all feel privileged to have done so. kurt was a great guy as well, and we are all super happy with how that record came out. he's definitely in the robbins/cosby realm. also, add jimmy walker to that list too.
PRT: If there is one thing you'd like to be remembered for with Killing The Dream, what would that be?
Elijah: if anyone remembers us at all, for anything...that would really mean a lot to me. hopefully, there will be one or two kids who look back and remember us as being a band that meant a lot to them...whether it was lyrically or musically or whatever. hopefully we were able to leave a good impression on anyone whose path we crossed as well. to be honest, i'd almost rather have kids look back and remember us and good, sincere people rather than a non heinous rock outfit.
PRT: Suppose all the planets would align and you would play the most perfect show ever, what would it look like?
Elijah: jay-z
donny hathaway
marvin gaye
the original temptations
stay gold
shannon from danity kane would be my date, and marvin and donny hathaway would sing all the hooks to jay's songs.
PRT: What's your position on the whole Real-life doll versus the classic inflatable one?
Elijah: i don't have any clue what you are asking, so i'll provide an arbitrary thought here instead of attempting to answer the question.
i just watched this film called the wackness. i would definitely recommend it to a friend. here is the elijah breakdown.
plot- 4 out of 5 pizza slices
characters/cast- 4.5 out of 5 slices
babez- 4.5 out of 5 slices (olivia thirlby and mary kate olson...i mean, come on)
soundtrack- 5 out of 5 slices (seriously one of the best ever- biggie, souls of mischief, mary j, lou reed, tribe...AWESOME)
best quote of the movie- 'i just wanna listen to boyz II men when i'm with you, yo'
seriously, this movie was awesome. check it out now if you have the means.
PRT: If I was to browse through your record collection or your iPod, what's the one album you wouldn't want me to stumble across?
Elijah: the chipmunks christmas album. seriously.
PRT: Any last words for our readers?
Elijah: be excellent to each other. thanks for the interview broseph!