Need a soundtrack to go with your Halloween party and seem to have misplaced your White Zombie releases from back in the day? Then go ahead and pick up Scum Of The Earth’s second album “Sleaze Freak”, an album that sounds a lot like Zombie did back in the day. Probably because the band was started by former Zombie guitarist Riggs.
The lyrical content is what you’d expect with songs about murder, the devil and corpses which are further beefed up by bigass riffs and a powerful rhythm section. It’s all pretty good stuff but I somehow miss the tongue-in-cheek factor that made White Zombie a helluva good time.
Need a reason to buy this rather than download the whole thing? How about the fact that this one comes with a 28-page booklet featuring the horror art of Paul Garner and a DVD with some live footage.
Score: 7 out of 10