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Psychopunch – Death By Misadventure

Here’s what I said about Psychopunch’ album “Moonlight City” just a year ago: The loud guitars, a straight-ahead rhythm section and a powerful vocalist… that’s the basic dynamics of any rock ‘n roll band and Psychopunch proves that that it still rings true today. Throw in some catchy singalong choruses and you know all you have left to do is grease up that hair and rock the fuck out with Psychopunch!

Guess what? Nothing has changed on album number eight. “Death By Misadventure” contains twelve slabs of the band’s typical punk ‘n roll. The guitars still make a lot of noise, vocalist JM makes even more noise and the rhythm section tries to keep everything together. I do miss the pinup artwork though but other than that Psychopunch has once again released a solid album that fans of the Hellacopters and the likes have to pick up.
Score: 7.5 out of 10

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