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Red Giant - Dysfunctional Majesty

by Christophe

Red who? I thought the Americans only had Green Giant, a lovable lug who sells sweetcorn in a can to anyone who's too lazy to nibble it off the cob.

So I guess this Red Giant must be the not so friendly enemy of the Green Giant. And they don't sell corn, but hard rock.

"Dysfunctional Majesty" is their third album, and although I can't compare them since I haven't heard 'em - duh- I can only give my thumbs up to some awesome riffing and very cruisin'-in-my-car kinda grooves on this record.

However, I'm a little bummed that lead vocalist Alex Perekrest is at times trying to hard to sound like Kyuss' John Garcia. And face it, no one can sound like that guy.

Also, in accordance to my ridiculously short attention span, the songs and album could've been a little shorter.

Other than that, yeah, I rocked out listening to "Dysfunctional Majesty". But unfortunately, I was not compelled to have my cock out.
Score: 6,5 out of 10

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