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Jeffrey Foucault – Cold Satellite

- by Thomas

Jeffrey Foucault is an American singer-songwriter who has been writing some pretty stellar tunes for a couple of years now. Earlier this year he dropped “Horse Latitudes” and after that one got a good reception, they decided to give the previously digitally released “Cold Satellite” a CD release as well.

Based on the work of a young American poet named Lisa Olstein, Foucault put the words to music with the help of Billy Conway (Morphine, Twinemen) on drums, Jeremy Moses Curtis (Booker T) on bass, David Goodrich (Chris Smither) on electric guitars and Nashville session veteran Alex Mccollough on pedal steel. The result is a beautiful Americana album with a country polish and the occasional loud guitar outbreak that could give Crazy Horse a run for his money.
Score: 8 out of 10

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