Oh joy, another one of those let’s-cram-everything-we-can-into-one-song type of releases. This includes every kind of vocals known to mankind, about thirty rhythm changes and those annoying little arpeggio riffs placed alongside ultra-heavy breakdowns. Can you say Between The Buried And Me wannabes?
I gotta hand it to these Massachussetts guys though, they know how to shred! Now all they have to do for album number two is learn how to write an actual song and they’ll be well on their way to better things.
Score: 5 out of 10
1 comment:
Your review is fundamentally retarded. This is some of the best songwriting you can find this side of the Pacific. The only US bands that are holding a candle to WTR right now are After the Burial and MAYBE The Faceless. Other than that, Australian and British prog/tech deathcore are owning everything right now.
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