It’s sometimes easy to forget what you liked about punkrock to begin with all those years ago with whatever the flavor of the month is that is being sold off as punk. It always makes me feel like an idiot every time I tell someone I listen to punkrock. Luckily there are still bands out there like Dillinger Four to remind us what it’s all about. Even though it did take them six years to release “Civil War”, I’ll forgive ‘em. What can I say? I’m a nice guy.
“Civil War” is easily D4’s most polished, poppy and accessible album but it still has everything you love about the band. Two buzzing guitars, vocals that swirl around each other, fast-paced drums and intelligent lyrics that tackle everything from the celebirty cult (“Parishiltonisametaphor”) to personal integrity (“A Jingle For The Product”)… it’s all there making “Civil War” well worth the wait.
And next time when someone asks me what kind of music I listen to, I won’t have to plant that sheepish grin on my face befora admitting all flustered that I sometimes kinda listen to punkrock, I’ll just hand ‘em this album and let them find out for themselves.
Score: 8.5 out of 10
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