Is it because I’ve already gotten used to “Hold On Now, Youngster” or has the sound of Los Campesinos!’ really become less chaotic? I’m not sure but I do know that their enthousiasm is still unmatched. Or how many bands do you know that go in the studio to record an EP a couple of months after their debut came out, only to emerge with a complete new full-length?
This Cardiff-based 7-piece has an engine aboard that runs on rocket fuel and with a combination of violin, synths, male/female vocals, itchy guitars and barely restrained hysteria, they come off sounding like Arcade Fire on speed. Their indie pop bubbles with melodies, vocals and instruments that all seem to be in constant turmoil over who should get the spotlight for the next five seconds and in the end this all somehow leads to balanced and well-thought out compositions.
The opening song goes to full speed in about 5 seconds but it isn’t until “Miserabilia” and the title track burst out of the speakers that you are in awe. They somehow manage to keep the momentum going until halfway in the album when there are two lesser songs (especially “The End Of The Asterisk” is kinda annoying). But after that they come back to their senses and manage to go out with a bang.
I highly recommend this album to anyone who likes their indie pop energetic as fuck!
Score: 8 out of 10
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