The boys in Franz Ferdinand were tired. Tired of touring, tired of doing the same interview over and over… just tired in general. So they decided to take their time for the next album and slow down a bit. Something that is reflected in the songs they wrote for “Tonight : Franz Ferdinand”.
The new Franz Ferdinand album is different yet still the same. It’s danceable with all the disco beats and catchy thanks to the hooks yet it all sounds a little less jagged. Because of living the good life or because of the keyboards that have been smuggled into pretty much every single song? Who knows! Fact is that is “Ulysses” is an extremely catchy track that can be counted among the best these Scottish lads have done so far. Same thing can be said for “Can’t Stop Feeling”, which has the words ‘single material’ written all over it. But then there’s “Lucid Dreams” on here as well… a song that wavers into a big no no and then drags on for way too long.
It’s a good thing these guys aren’t afraid to try something new but in the end this still sounds exactly like Franz Ferdinand and doesn’t really move me in any kind of way.
Score: 7out of 10
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