Dying Fetus is once again back with a new album and a new drummer. “Descend Into Depravity” sounds amazing which is something that was lacking on some of their previous albums and which probably explains why these guys aren’t as big as they should be. On album number six Jon Gallagher and his cronies come at you no holds barred from the opening notes of “Your Treachery Will Die With You” until closer “Ethos Of Coercion” ends it all after a little over half an hour.
The riffage is still razor-sharp, the grunts are still malicious and the drums still slam every opening that’s left shut so that you are left with one enormous wall of sound that is coming at you like a tsunami. Oh, and those typical guitar arpeggios are still intact as well. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, they have become an integral part of Dying Fetus over the years.
Some may have thought that the fetus had finally died but chief Gallagher proves that there’s still some life left in the womb with what might very well be their deadliest release so far.
Score: 8 out of 10
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