12 Years after Iggor and Max Cavalera played their last Sepultura show together, you can find the two of them reunited. Not only on the stage but also on the Cavalera Conspiracy’s debut album “Inflikted”.
You know what happens when you put the two of them together? It’s like a suicide bomber at a crowded market place… the whole thing just goes boom! It’s pure sonic fucking mayhem.
As soon as opener “Inflikted” bursts out of the gates, you are hit in the face by an all-out assault of scorching riffage and Max’ trademark growls while Iggor is beating his drums like the damn thing still owes him money. Take everything you loved about Sepultura’s albums before they had every native tribe from here to the South Pole contributing to their releases… that’s exactly what you get on CavCon’s debut.
Score: 8.5 out of 10