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The Bitter End – Guilty As Charged

Here to bring back crossover from where most bands left it in the late 80s and early 90s, is The Bitter End. These guys get to call San Antonio, TX home but should’ve really lived in New York City. These guys rage through 10 songs in about as much time as it takes me to lace up my shoes and get my mosh on. Songs that are as blistering as the Texas sun they were written under.

With shredding riffs, thundering drums and pissed off barks, these guys aren’t out to make any new friends. They launch straight into “Corrupted Souls” with a vengeance and don’t let go until the instrumental “Suenos Muertos” comes up in the middle of the album. It’s just long enough to give you a quick breather before you’re thrown right back into the pit for the remainder of the album with “Victims” as the absolute standout.

This one’s not quite as good as Cruel Hand’s latest but if you’re into the likes of Biohazard or Madball, there’s really no going wrong with “Guilty As Charged”.
Score: 7 out of 10

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