Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World tells the story of Scott Pilgrim, played by the always geeky Michael Cera, who after finding the love of his life, must defeat her seven evil superhuman ex-boyfriends or lose the girl. The movie is based on a comic book series written by Bryan Lee O’Malley.
Further enhancing the appeal of Edward Wright’s latest movie is a hip soundtrack. It’s like a flashback to what made the 90s good with all of its alt-rock awesomeness and slacker attitude. It boasts the likes of Frank Black and Beck right next to T-Rex and The Rolling Stones. The latter of which are not quite a product of the 90s, yet their contributions blend in well between the Sex Bob-Omb songs on here (Beck writing for Pilgrim’s band in the movie) and the more recent flavours of Blood Red Shoes and Crash & The Boys (another fictional band from the movie, the material for which was written by Broken Social Scene).
It serves its purpose and it made me even more anxious to see the movie. Being the slacker that I am though, I’ll probably just wait for the DVD to come out so I can watch it from my couch.
Score: 7 out of 10
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