All those Christians who are disappointed by the most recent wave of pedophilia in the church will find a new gospel waiting for them in the form of “The Flesh”, the first album by The Order Of Apollyon. “The Flesh” is what you get when you put former members of Aborted, Cradle Of Filth and Akercocke together in a band. What that sounds like? Like a very brutal mix of black and death metal.
It’s explosive, no holds barred, evil and it’s fast as fuck. From the moment that “God Speaks” bursts out of the speakers, there’s no going back and you’ll have to sit all the way through the ride, simply because these guys don’t give you any time to get out. It’s a ride that takes you to some pretty dark places like “” and “”. After you’ve been pummeled completely, they pull out all the stops and race to the finish with “L’Orgeuil”.
“The Flesh” is a very good album. Its only flaw is the production which could’ve used some more time. Seeing as they’ve signed a three-album deal with Listenable, one can only hope this will be remedied on the next album. When that happens, these guys should be able to bring down entire churches.
Score: 7.5 out of 10
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