An all-star black metal band... has there ever been such a thing before? If not, then Ov Hell is a very solid first with an unholy union between King Ov Hell (Gorgoroth, God Seed) and Shagrath (Dimmu Borgir). If that isn’t enough yet, Enslaved’s Ice Dale, Satyricon’s Frost and 1349’s Teloch were all hired to help in the studio with what would become “The Underworld Regime”.
King Ov Hell started writing the music for this one during his Gorgoroth and God Seed days but it took him and Shagrath a lot of time and effort to find time in their busy schedules to get this album done. But now it’s finally done and even though “The Underworld Regime” has nothing to do with the movie franchise and has to do without Kate Beckinsale in her sexy outfit, it has become an album that’s worthy of your time and money. If you like no-nonsense mostly mid-tempo black metal that is.
Couple Shagrath’s nastyass black metal growls to Ov Hell’s typical riffage along with Frost’s impeccable drumming and you get an album that sounds very good. It reminded me most of the last Gorgoroth album which kinda makes sense I guess. Throw in some creepy soundbites and you‘re there! While it won’t revolutionize the black metal scene, it’s still a more than worthy addition to your collection of fine Satan-worshipping tunes.
Score: 8 out of 10
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