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Bayonet – Bayonet

Bayonet is a new band around Senses Fail’s Buddy Nielsen who surrounded himself with The Banner’s Jeremy Comitas, Fit For An Autopsy’s Will Putney and Suburban Scum’s Paul Klein. What these guys sound like on their five-song debut? Pissed off. Very pissed off actually.

Don’t expect to hear Senses Fail 2.0… Bayonet is way rawer and straight-forward and just plain fucking heavy. Nielsen goes all out and spills his guts (get it? Spills his guts… Bayonet), seemingly unloading all of his frustrations in five short blasts that are over before you know it. It leaves you with just one choice… hit that play button again and start waiting for that full-length.
Score: 7.5 out of 10

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