Does Gorefest ring a bell? It was a Dutch death metal act, that was somewhat of a big act around here in the mid-90's, if I remember well.
Of course, death metal was the least of my interest back then, because I just discovered Ramones and they are still far better and harder than any death metal act... Seriously.
Anyway, the big man behind that metal band, Boudewijn Bonebakker started a new project, called Gingerpig. And this is their very first full-length record.
It's quite different from the Gorefest-days, as Bonebakker dives deep into late 60's and 70's rock in all its forms: sometimes psychedelic, sometimes straight forward, backed by a Hammond organ, bluesy at times,...
You know, if you were wondering if people still try to make records like Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Iron Butterfly...Well, they do. This album was apparently even recorded live in the studio, like in the old days.
The result is surprising, and actually very much fun to listen to. It almost makes me wanna grow my hair, wear flower-y shirts, sandals and say "far out" every two sentences. But I'm not gonna. I'm just gonna give this record another spin or two and enjoy classic rock like it oughta be enjoyed.
Score: 7,5 out of 10
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