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Between the buried and Me - Best of...

- by Christophe

Crazy-ass metal dudes from BTBAM thought the time was right to release a best of.

That shouldn't be too hard, since BTBAM hasn't released anything that sucked. These guys are perfectionists.

Or well, it could've been hard to select the songs to put on this compilation. So they just put on a lot. 20 songs, spread out over two discs, and an extra DVD with videoclips and a trailer to the upcoming album "Synesthesia". It's all well put together in a very nifty little box.

Who cares? I know I don't. If you don't know the band, this is a great introduction to one of the best prog-metal bands around at the moment. Listen to it, let their genius convince you, then go back to the record store (or iTunes) and get the entire catalog;

Do we have a deal? Good.
Score: 9 out of 10

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