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Märvel - Warhawks of War

- by Christophe

You had me at hello... Seriously? You start of your record with a quote that makes the listener think about Jerry Maguire, Tom Cruise and Renee Zellweger?

Thanks for that god awful mental image, dudes.

Good thing that the song actually kinda rocks.

Märvel is a Swedish trio and they draw heavily from the later work of the Hellacopters and Thin Lizzy. So 70's rock and rock 'n roll.

And yeah, it's all pretty decent. We're somewhat used to the Swedes getting to us with high quality and high octane music. But Märvel never reaches the level of those Hellacopters, Gluecifer, and of course no one can get near Lizzy.

But it's a fun listen. And alone for that song title I'll give them an extra half point in my evaluation.
Score: 7 out of 10
Killer Cobra Records

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