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Wolf Gang – Suego Faults

- by Thomas

Wolf Gang isn’t much of a gang seeing as it it’s just one guy called Max McElligott who does pretty much everything. Knowing that, it’s easier to think of that other Wolfgang dude rather than a bunch of tough-looking guys. But comparing McElligott to Mozart might be taking things a bit too far. Sure, “Suego Faults” is filled with the kind of pop ditties that sound retro and fresh at the same time and that will make you think of acts such as MGMT with a bit of Killers kitsch mixed in. And granted, the guy does write catchy as fuck pop songs that sound great thanks to producer Dave Fridmann (Mercury Rev, Flaming Lips), but let’s face it… “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” this is not.
Score: 6.5 out of 10

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