If you already liked what Iron Age did on their 2006 debut “Constant Struggle”, wait ‘til you hear “The Sleeping Eye”. Holy fuck!
These Texas natives harken back to classic hardcore and 80s crossover/thrash yet still manage to keep things sounding relevant and modern. The riffs on here are simply insane, reminding me of both old Metallica and Black Sabbath. All the while the drummer keeps spurring the rest of the band on to keep on going. And keep on going they do throughout all eight songs, the last of which lasts eleven minutes. It shows Iron Age at its broadest and while not given to many, Iron Age somehow pulls it off to keep things sounding interesting. I could’ve done without “Materia Prima” though, a sort of instrumental interlude/soundscape thing in the middle of the album that’s unnecessary.
Other than that, I have no qualms about “The Sleeping Eye”, an album with which Iron Age that hardcore can be a lot more than simply stacking up breakdowns.
Score: 8 out of 10
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