Knuckledust has been a name you hear popping up a lot in the past ten years. They’re probably one of the hardest working hardcore bands in the UK and have recently unleashed a new hardhitting album upon the masses called “Promises Comfort Fools”. Time to check in with vocalist Pierre for an update!
PRT: Who are you and what would you like to tell our readers about yourself?
Pierre: My real name is Pierre but most call me Pelbu. I was born in London to 2 Peruvian immigrants who raised me to fight for my familia. Tried to keep active since 1996 by founding the bands Knuckledust, Beat Down Fury, Maldito and more recently Bun Dem Out as well as being part of the Rucktion Records familia.
PRT: Who else is in the band, which London monument/hangout spot would you compare them to and why?
Pierre: Well the band would comprise of Big Ben ( Wema. That’s what all the girls call him and it aint cos he tall), Upton Park home to West Ham United( Definatly Ray). Last would have to be a filthy dirty squat which after many years had a modern face lift oi oi its gotta be Nic!!!!
PRT: You have been around for ten years now and are still going strong with the original line-up. What’s your secret?
Pierre: A quest for Guinness sponsorship! I wont let them quit till I get Guinness delivered to my door step daily! The KD boys are good people and don’t be fooled, we fight and argue like every other family. We’ve accepted who each of us are and from the experiences we’ve shared we definatly learned to accept each others positives and negatives in a solid way.
PRT: After having roamed around Europe for so long, are you setting your sights on the US as well?
Pierre: I will go anywhere there is someone willing to listen to our style of poor peoples music.
Flights out of UK are quite expensive so we are kind of limited to where we can reach plus the exchange rate really doesn’t help us out either. Thanks to Theo GSR we are managing to rinse Europe a lot more and I guess If people want hear it bad enough then may workout but I feel its early days yet.
PRT: Do you think hardcore bands come with an expiration date? And what would be the reason for you to ever throw in the towel?
Pierre: I always believed the rules to hardcore was that there is no rules! But still there are some bands who really need to expire for true. Being in a band is only a part of the equation for me as the idea to start the band was to support London’s HC scene and as we already prove there’s more to do than just bands to keep the part of the scene we love alive. This is our way of life now after 11 years growing up with the scene here and throwing in the towel is not an option for frontline LBU mans.
PRT: If Knuckledust was the lovechild of two bands, which bands would’ve had sex and which position were you conceived in?
Pierre: Wow that would be one hell of a violent orgy. I would say Blood4Blood, Bounty Killer and The Business in a menage a trois don’t ask me who had the bay cos I don’t get stabbed over it hahahaha!
PRT: Your new album is called “Promises Comfort Fools”. Have you ever been comforted by a promise other than the one saying this interview was going to be entertaining?
Pierre: Of course I have, in love and in life but with each time I got stronger and wiser.
But Im older now and don’t really get excited by much, but some youth I come across really have trouble seeing whats right in front of them after the promise of something flashy.
The amount of promises Ive heard from just being in band is quite amazing if I stop to think and a lot of young bands get caught up in dreams then chewed up and spat out.
Kd got that tuff skin that cant be chewed through, probably taste like guinea pig to.
PRT: I saw that the album comes with a DVD. What can people expect from that one?
Pierre: The DVD is mainly the whole Belgium Ieper Fest all filmed real nice like, see 4 mans on stage doing their thing black up and nuf white kids bussing themselves ups, yea my mum liked it. There is also some so called bonus footage of us acting fool in studio during the Promises …. Recordings and an intro to the history of KD. A little experiment for GSR which I’m sure you’ll enjoy but really its all bout the riddims and flows!!!
PRT: In the bio sheet you’re being referred to as ugly and obnoxious. Is that something you were going for or does someone over at GSR doesn’t like you guys that much?
Pierre: I think maybe most of Euro HXC think were ugly and obnoxious just because we’re a multicultural band mixing cultures they don’t get much exposure to because I notice many Euro kids telling me some very strange things about what they think we are about.
PRT: You’ve started your own label as well. Was there a need for a London-based hardcore label?
Pierre: YES! There was labels at the time who really helped boost our style bands when they first came out but alongside that we always were strongly into the DIY ethic of Hardcore back then. Now in 2007 weve proved that we can help bands to help themselves if they have the dedication and family spirit we promote. The majority of the Rucktion heads are involved in bands we put out and truly the bands and label have helped each other to grow very strong over the years. We have a lot of work yet to do with Rucktion but no other can touch us for UK realness.
PRT: In the movie High Fidelity the guys that work in the record store constantly make these top 5 lists of songs for any occasion. If you were to make such a list, which occasion would it be for and which songs would make your top 5?
Pierre: 1.Mavado – Badman place ………Rucktion nights at The 12 Bar Club every month. (Good Guinness there).
2.Tego Calderon – Otro botella………. North London all year round LBU BBQ’s!!!!! Bless up LBU Jerk chicken chef Buju AntonBDO & Pisco sour & Guinness strrrrr8!
3.Business – Guinness boys………. Day in day out ME WANT IT! Luckily I have my own personal G.Nice!
4. Stout - Gods of war………… Watching the football in our local. Guinness is good tho!
5.Ninebar – Forest fires…………..Morning, noon and night billing ‘em up bun’in them down this is the style of London town.
PRT: Any last words for our readers?
Pierre: I wont hate you if you download the cd…………JUST GET IT! Soldados ready!
PRT: Who are you and what would you like to tell our readers about yourself?
Pierre: My real name is Pierre but most call me Pelbu. I was born in London to 2 Peruvian immigrants who raised me to fight for my familia. Tried to keep active since 1996 by founding the bands Knuckledust, Beat Down Fury, Maldito and more recently Bun Dem Out as well as being part of the Rucktion Records familia.
PRT: Who else is in the band, which London monument/hangout spot would you compare them to and why?
Pierre: Well the band would comprise of Big Ben ( Wema. That’s what all the girls call him and it aint cos he tall), Upton Park home to West Ham United( Definatly Ray). Last would have to be a filthy dirty squat which after many years had a modern face lift oi oi its gotta be Nic!!!!
PRT: You have been around for ten years now and are still going strong with the original line-up. What’s your secret?
Pierre: A quest for Guinness sponsorship! I wont let them quit till I get Guinness delivered to my door step daily! The KD boys are good people and don’t be fooled, we fight and argue like every other family. We’ve accepted who each of us are and from the experiences we’ve shared we definatly learned to accept each others positives and negatives in a solid way.
PRT: After having roamed around Europe for so long, are you setting your sights on the US as well?
Pierre: I will go anywhere there is someone willing to listen to our style of poor peoples music.
Flights out of UK are quite expensive so we are kind of limited to where we can reach plus the exchange rate really doesn’t help us out either. Thanks to Theo GSR we are managing to rinse Europe a lot more and I guess If people want hear it bad enough then may workout but I feel its early days yet.
PRT: Do you think hardcore bands come with an expiration date? And what would be the reason for you to ever throw in the towel?
Pierre: I always believed the rules to hardcore was that there is no rules! But still there are some bands who really need to expire for true. Being in a band is only a part of the equation for me as the idea to start the band was to support London’s HC scene and as we already prove there’s more to do than just bands to keep the part of the scene we love alive. This is our way of life now after 11 years growing up with the scene here and throwing in the towel is not an option for frontline LBU mans.
PRT: If Knuckledust was the lovechild of two bands, which bands would’ve had sex and which position were you conceived in?
Pierre: Wow that would be one hell of a violent orgy. I would say Blood4Blood, Bounty Killer and The Business in a menage a trois don’t ask me who had the bay cos I don’t get stabbed over it hahahaha!
PRT: Your new album is called “Promises Comfort Fools”. Have you ever been comforted by a promise other than the one saying this interview was going to be entertaining?
Pierre: Of course I have, in love and in life but with each time I got stronger and wiser.
But Im older now and don’t really get excited by much, but some youth I come across really have trouble seeing whats right in front of them after the promise of something flashy.
The amount of promises Ive heard from just being in band is quite amazing if I stop to think and a lot of young bands get caught up in dreams then chewed up and spat out.
Kd got that tuff skin that cant be chewed through, probably taste like guinea pig to.
PRT: I saw that the album comes with a DVD. What can people expect from that one?
Pierre: The DVD is mainly the whole Belgium Ieper Fest all filmed real nice like, see 4 mans on stage doing their thing black up and nuf white kids bussing themselves ups, yea my mum liked it. There is also some so called bonus footage of us acting fool in studio during the Promises …. Recordings and an intro to the history of KD. A little experiment for GSR which I’m sure you’ll enjoy but really its all bout the riddims and flows!!!
PRT: In the bio sheet you’re being referred to as ugly and obnoxious. Is that something you were going for or does someone over at GSR doesn’t like you guys that much?
Pierre: I think maybe most of Euro HXC think were ugly and obnoxious just because we’re a multicultural band mixing cultures they don’t get much exposure to because I notice many Euro kids telling me some very strange things about what they think we are about.
PRT: You’ve started your own label as well. Was there a need for a London-based hardcore label?
Pierre: YES! There was labels at the time who really helped boost our style bands when they first came out but alongside that we always were strongly into the DIY ethic of Hardcore back then. Now in 2007 weve proved that we can help bands to help themselves if they have the dedication and family spirit we promote. The majority of the Rucktion heads are involved in bands we put out and truly the bands and label have helped each other to grow very strong over the years. We have a lot of work yet to do with Rucktion but no other can touch us for UK realness.
PRT: In the movie High Fidelity the guys that work in the record store constantly make these top 5 lists of songs for any occasion. If you were to make such a list, which occasion would it be for and which songs would make your top 5?
Pierre: 1.Mavado – Badman place ………Rucktion nights at The 12 Bar Club every month. (Good Guinness there).
2.Tego Calderon – Otro botella………. North London all year round LBU BBQ’s!!!!! Bless up LBU Jerk chicken chef Buju AntonBDO & Pisco sour & Guinness strrrrr8!
3.Business – Guinness boys………. Day in day out ME WANT IT! Luckily I have my own personal G.Nice!
4. Stout - Gods of war………… Watching the football in our local. Guinness is good tho!
5.Ninebar – Forest fires…………..Morning, noon and night billing ‘em up bun’in them down this is the style of London town.
PRT: Any last words for our readers?
Pierre: I wont hate you if you download the cd…………JUST GET IT! Soldados ready!
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