Ever had an album that was so wrong yet was so much fun to listen to? If not, please pick up Mercenary’s “Architect Of Lies”. This Danish outfit started out as a death/thrash act but with the admittance of vocalist Mikkel Sandager and his brother, keyboard player Morten they have evolved into something much, much more melodic. Bombastic is a word I could’ve used there just as well.
The high-pitched clean vocals, the highly melodic guitars and the abundance of keyboards are completely over the top and often make the band come off like a powermetal act. Luckily the powerful drums and shredding riffs are there to add some balls to the whole. Basically this means you end up with an album that is a guilty pleasure. And so if asked, I will deny liking Mercenary with all my might while banging my head to “Embrace The Nothing” in the privacy of my home.
Score: 7.5 out of 10
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