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Sarandon – Kill Twee Pop

Until recently Sarandon was singer/guitarist Crayola and a revolving cast of bassists and drummers. Now there finally seems to be some form of stability with Big Flame’s Alan Brown on bass and Tom Greenhalgh on drums

After five EPs, this South London trio thought the time was right for a full-length. And even though I’ve never heard one of their EPs, they were right in doing so because “Kill Twee Pop” never bores. Nor does it outstay its welcome with 12 songs in 26 minutes.

With erratic rhythms and spastic guitars (check out “Good Working Practice”), I’m sure Sarandon will drive a lot of people mad. Listen closer however and you’ll find a fair amount of melody and some poignant lyrics which in no small amount add to the listening pleasure of “Kill Twee Pop”. If you’re into distortionless (is that actually a word?) punk a la Minutemen or Futureheads, you should have a field day with this one.
Score: 7 out of 10

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