Burning Human is a band that started out in 1990, released one demo called “Death Is Mercy” in 1995 and then broke up in 1997. Then there was an undoubtedly moving reunion in 2007 (wow, we were all waiting for that one, huh?) and now there finally is a debut full-length. It’s called “Resurrection Through Fire” and is out now on Koch Records.
Burning Human’s claim to fame is not the pretty dumb artwork. It does come however in the form of Shadows Fall drummer Jason Bittner who helped start the band and now shows amazing restraint on this batch of straight-forward death metal cuts. The drums along with some very chunky riffage courtesy of Mike Stack and J. Sunkes would make Death and Obituary very proud. The whole album is basically one big throwback to mid 90s American death metal. And that is not a bad thing.
If you’re a nostalgic and long for the days when death metal wasn’t about technicality but simply about banging your head to oblivion, then this is an album made especially for you. Pick it up along with the new Jungle Rot album. The two of them put together should still your hunger until you finally hunt down that one Massacre album on Ebay that’s still missing in your collection.
Score: 7 out of 10
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