The Faraway Places is one of those bands that if we were still living in the seventies, could be found holding hands in a commune while reeking of patchouli. Just check out the band name… yeah, it’s time to get spacy! Or baked. Or preferably both.
On the ten songs that make up “Out Of The Rain, The Thunder & The Lightning” they sound optimistic as fuck which is plain annoying for a natural born cynic like me. Hell, these guys could put a whole squad of cheerleaders to shame! They sound like an even more ‘out there’ version of I’m From Barcelona or The Polyphonic Spree and I’d settle for a spacepop moniker because they don’t rock hard enough to call it anything but pop.
I think they could do a whole lot better but seem kind of content with just writing and recording whatever they come up with. If The Faraway Places would apply themselves a little more, I think the result would be a lot more satisfying. Oh shit, now I sound just like my old teachers from high school!
Score: 6 out of 10
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