Sweden’s Valkyrja (not to be confused with Valkyria…also from Sweden) play some pretty nasty black metal. Yikes, satanists! Yes, all hail Satan and that kinda stuff. “Invocation Demise” was originally released on Northern Silence Productions (also home to a band called The Wandering Midget… awesome name) but is now being re-released on Metal Blade. Thank god… oops Satan… because we really needed another black metal album that sounds just like every other black metal album out there.
Black metal has to be one of the most rigid styles in music with its blastbeats, high shrieks and repetitive riffs. And Valkyrja does nothing that Enslaved and Mayhem haven’t already done a long time ago. But hey, gospel songs are being covered over and over as well so why shouldn’t the black lord receive the same praise?
Score: 6 out of 10
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