By Christophe
I was pretty stoked when I heard The Get Up Kids were gonna get back together, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the brilliant "Something to Write Home About". The shows were well worth my time and money.
After all, the band seemed to have a whole lot of fun on stage, playing old songs and pleasing fans like yours truly.
With this new found enthousiasm, the band returned to the studio. First, a 7". Which, honestly, wasn't all that good.
Now there's a new full length, "There are rules". And with the first two songs I honestly thought the guys had returned to their succesful roots, rocking like never before. Both "Tithe" and "Regent's Court" are awesome songs.
What follows, however, is a relatively strange half an hour, where The Get Up Kids expand their indie rock, or emo if you will, with a whole bunch of electronic sounds. It's weird.
Now, I'm okay with bands experimenting a little. The problem is that they don't get away with it on every song., resulting in mediocrity at best. Also, it creates a somewhat sterile sounding, eighties-like environment.
It's not all bad, of course. But it's a little different than expected. I'd never thought I'd mention Gang of Four (or Bloc Party, for that matter) in a review of a Get Up Kids album.
Obviously, TGUK had fun writing this album. It shows in every aspect. Alas, I didn't have fun listening to each and every song. I know they can do better.
Score: 6,5 out of 10
Quality Hill Records