“No Secret Revealed” starts off with some dude talking about it being a recession. It immediately shows what Ohio’s Affiance wants to talk about. But just when I was expecting the dramatic string arrangement that accompanies the soundclip from the movie “Network” to make way for some tired old metalcore, out comes this refreshing sound.
These dudes play a mix of melodic metalcore with rock leanings and end up sounding not unlike “Tomorrow Come Today” era BoySetsFire. It’s especially the dual guitar work and singer Dennis Tvrdik with his soaring vocals that end up stealing the show. That does however not mean that the drummer is a slouch because he’s kicking the living shit out of that drumkit.
Sometimes they’re a bit over the top dramatic (the falsetto vocals in “The Hive”) and maybe more diversity wouldn’t have hurt things either but that doesn’t take away from the fact that “No Secret Revealed” is as solid a debut as I’ve heard in quite some time.
Score: 7.5 out of 10
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